Brett & Susan VanderMolen
Brett and Susan VanderMolen became the directors of Cambodia Train Up Children's Home in January 2013. They bring with them years of marriage (04/28/1984) and years of raising four beautiful children of their own. God is using their commitment to each other and family to work in the orphanage. Brett is a Ordain Assemblies of God Pastor, Indiana District. Brett and Susan are appointed missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions in the area of compassion ministry. They are using their gift of compassion to pour into the lives of the children at Train Up Children's Home, training them for Godly service. They also provide leadership over the staff at the orphanage.
Personal Story
Brett and Susan answered their call in 2008. As laymen in the church for over 20 years when the Spirit of the Lord spoke into their hearts to “GO”. They answered that call by closing down a business, selling their home and belongings. Brett and Susan took with them 3 of their 4 teenagers as the oldest was studying at CBC. Went to the Country of Cambodia as Assembly of God Missionary Associates where God confirmed their calling. Rev. Brett became a Ordain Pastor with the Assembly of God World Missionary through IN. District. Serving in the area compassion.
Dec. 25, 2012 Brett and Susan became the mother and father to the orphan children at the Assembly of God Children’s Home that was establish in 1990. Brett and Susan are providing care 24hr a day, 7 days a week. They are using most of this opportunity, training up children in the way they should go. They stand amazed at God’s faithfulness to their children and to the children in Cambodia as they walk by faith and obedience. Brett and Susan give all the glory to God. One of Brett’s words to live by is “God will take the faithful and make them able but He cannot take the able and make them faithful”
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6